Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

with from

  • 1 with compliments

    (used when sending a gift etc: `With compliments from a secret admirer'.) com cumprimentos

    English-Portuguese dictionary > with compliments

  • 2 with compliments

    (used when sending a gift etc: `With compliments from a secret admirer'.) com os cumprimentos

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > with compliments

  • 3 part with

    (to give away or be separated from: He doesn't like parting with money.) desfazer-se de

    English-Portuguese dictionary > part with

  • 4 part with

    (to give away or be separated from: He doesn't like parting with money.) desfazer-se de

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > part with

  • 5 free

    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) livre
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) livre
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) generoso
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) franco
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuito
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) livre
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) livre
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) livre
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) libertar
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) livrar(-se)
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) trabalhar por conta própria
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free
    * * *
    [fri:] vt (ps e pp freed) 1 livrar, libertar, emancipar, soltar, pôr em liberdade. 2 resgatar, desobrigar, isentar, eximir. 3 desembaraçar, desobstruir, franquear, abrir. • adj 1 livre, independente, autônomo. you are free to do what you want / você tem toda liberdade para fazer o que deseja. 2 liberto, emancipado, que pode dispor de sua pessoa. it is free for you to go / você pode ir, se quiser. 3 espontâneo, voluntário. I am free to confess / estou pronto a confessar. 4 discricionário, arbitrário. 5 solto, desprendido, desatado, não fixo. the ship is free of the harbour / o navio encontra-se fora das águas do porto. 6 em liberdade, absolvido, inocente. he was set free / ele foi posto em liberdade. 7 desimpedido, desobstruído. 8 desocupado, vago. 9 permitido, lícito. 10 desembaraçado. 11 descoberto, aberto. 12 acessível, público, aberto (porto). 13 gratuito, grátis, franco. 14 isento, dispensado. 15 generoso, liberal, pródigo, profuso. 16 abundante, copioso, ilimitado, irrestrito. 17 não convencional, sem cerimônia. he was very free with me / ele tomou muitas liberdades comigo. 18 não textual, não ao pé da letra. 19 franco, sincero, ingênuo, cândido, que fala com franqueza. 20 atrevido, licencioso, descomedido, indecente, imoral, libertino. 21 desenfreado, descuidado. 22 Naut favorável. 23 Bot que não estão aderentes entre si. 24 Chem puro, simples (elemento). • adv grátis, gratuitamente. carriage free transporte pago. duty free isento de taxa alfadengária. for free coll grátis. free alongside ship (abreviatura: FAS) posto no costado do navio. free and easy natural, despreocupado, sem cerimônia. free and unencumbered sem hipoteca, não hipotecado. free cost gratuito. free from damage incólume, não avariado. free from disease livre de doença. free from restraint livre de restrições, desimpedido. free of care despreocupado, sem preocupações. free of charge (abreviatura: FOC) livre de despesas, franco. free of crowds and noise longe das multidões e do barulho. free of debt sem dívidas. free of duty sem taxa alfandegária. free on board (abreviatura: FOB) livre de despesas de transporte. free on quay (abreviatura: FOQ) entregue no cais sem despesa. free on rails (abreviatura: FOR) livre de despesas até ser posto no trem. free on truck (abreviatura: FOT) posto no caminhão livre de despesas. it runs free Tech corre em vazio. of my own free will de minha livre e espontânea vontade. post free porte pago. to feel free sentir-se à vontade. to free of limpar (um lugar) de, livrar-se de (alguém). to have ones’ hands free ter as mãos vazias. toll free isento de taxa, chamada telefônica grátis. to make free with explorar, usar de liberdade, tratar desrespeitosamente. to make someone free of something dar a alguém o direito de usar ou partilhar algo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > free

  • 6 free

    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) livre
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) livre
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) pródigo
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) solto, aberto
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuito
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) livre
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) livre
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) isento, desvencilhado
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) libertar
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) livrar(-se)
    - freely - free-for-all - freehand - freehold - freelance 3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) trabalhar como free lance
    - free skating - free speech - free trade - freeway - freewheel - free will - a free hand - set free

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > free

  • 7 differ

    past tense, past participle - differed; verb
    1) ((often with from) to be not like or alike: Our views differ; Her house differs from mine.) ser diferente
    2) (to disagree (with): I think we will have to agree to differ.) discordar
    * * *
    [d'ifə] vt 1 ( from) diferir. 2 ( with) ser de opinião contrária, dissentir, divergir, discordar, diferenciar-se de. 3 variar. 4 altercar. to agree to differ concordar em ou aceitar que as opiniões são diferentes e assim parar de discutir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > differ

  • 8 result

    1. noun
    1) (anything which is due to something already done: His deafness is the result of a car accident; He went deaf as a result of an accident; He tried a new method, with excellent results; He tried again, but without result.) resultado
    2) (the answer to a sum etc: Add all these figures and tell me the result.) resultado
    3) (the final score: What was the result of Saturday's match?) resultado
    4) ((often in plural) the list of people who have been successful in a competition, of subjects a person has passed or failed in an examination etc: He had very good exam results; The results will be published next week.) notas
    2. verb
    1) ((often with from) to be caused (by something): We will pay for any damage which results (from our experiments).) resultar
    2) ((with in) to cause or have as a result: The match resulted in a draw.) terminar
    * * *
    [riz'∧lt] n resultado, conseqüência, efeito. • vt resultar, provir, originar-se ( from de).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > result

  • 9 shade

    [ʃeid] 1. noun
    1) (slight darkness caused by the blocking of some light: I prefer to sit in the shade rather than the sun.) sombra
    2) (the dark parts of a picture: light and shade in a portrait.) sombra
    3) (something that screens or shelters from light or heat: a large sunshade; a shade for a light.) quebra-luz
    4) (a variety of a colour; a slight difference: a pretty shade of green; shades of meaning.) matiz
    5) (a slight amount: The weather is a shade better today.) um tudo nada
    2. verb
    1) ((sometimes with from) to shelter from light or heat: He put up his hand to shade his eyes.) proteger
    2) (to make darker: You should shade the foreground of that drawing.) sombrear
    3) ((with into) to change very gradually eg from one colour to another.) fugir para
    - shades
    - shading
    - shady
    - shadiness
    - put in the shade
    * * *
    [ʃeid] n 1 lugar sombreado, sombra. 2 penumbra. 3 cortina, veneziana. 4 tonalidade, gradação de cor, matiz, tom. 5 sombreado (de pintura). 6 nuança, diferença mínima, grau. 7 quebra-luz, abajur. 8 anteparo. 9 viseira. • vt+vi 1 abrigar da luz, sombrear, proteger da luz. 2 escurecer, tornar sombrio. 3 mostrar diferenças ou nuanças, mudar aos poucos, graduar (cores), matizar. glass shade redoma. to shade away esmaecer, sumir-se. to throw somebody into the shade superar alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shade

  • 10 shade

    [ʃeid] 1. noun
    1) (slight darkness caused by the blocking of some light: I prefer to sit in the shade rather than the sun.) sombra
    2) (the dark parts of a picture: light and shade in a portrait.) sombra
    3) (something that screens or shelters from light or heat: a large sunshade; a shade for a light.) guarda-sol, quebra-luz
    4) (a variety of a colour; a slight difference: a pretty shade of green; shades of meaning.) matiz
    5) (a slight amount: The weather is a shade better today.) ligeiramente
    2. verb
    1) ((sometimes with from) to shelter from light or heat: He put up his hand to shade his eyes.) proteger
    2) (to make darker: You should shade the foreground of that drawing.) escurecer, sombrear
    3) ((with into) to change very gradually eg from one colour to another.) graduar
    - shades - shading - shady - shadiness - put in the shade

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > shade

  • 11 result

    1. noun
    1) (anything which is due to something already done: His deafness is the result of a car accident; He went deaf as a result of an accident; He tried a new method, with excellent results; He tried again, but without result.) resultado
    2) (the answer to a sum etc: Add all these figures and tell me the result.) resultado
    3) (the final score: What was the result of Saturday's match?) resultado
    4) ((often in plural) the list of people who have been successful in a competition, of subjects a person has passed or failed in an examination etc: He had very good exam results; The results will be published next week.) resultado
    2. verb
    1) ((often with from) to be caused (by something): We will pay for any damage which results (from our experiments).) resultar
    2) ((with in) to cause or have as a result: The match resulted in a draw.) resultar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > result

  • 12 stem

    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) haste
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) haste
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) proa
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) provir
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).) parar
    * * *
    [stem] n 1 tronco, talo. 2 haste, pecíolo, pedúnculo, caule. 3 pé, suporte, base. 4 Gram raiz. 5 tronco ou ramo de família, geração. 6 árvore genealógica, linhagem. 7 stems sl pernas atraentes de mulher. • vt+vi 1 remover o talo ou a haste de. 2 prover de talo. 3 ser proveniente de, originar-se, descender de. to stem from Amer originar-se de.
    [stem] n Naut talhamar, proa. from stem to stern da proa à popa, do princípio ao fim.
    [stem] vt+vi 1 parar, estancar, represar. 2 diminuir, impedir. 3 enfrentar, lutar contra as ondas ou a maré. to stem the tide lutar contra a maré.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stem

  • 13 derive

    1. verb
    1) (to come or develop from: The word `derives' is derived from an old French word.) derivar
    2) (to draw or take from (a source or origin): We derive comfort from his presence.) tirar
    - derivative 2. noun
    (a word, substance etc formed from another word, substance etc: `Reader' is a derivative of `read'.) derivado
    * * *
    [dir'aiv] vt+vi 1 derivar, deduzir, tirar como conseqüência, originar, provir, descobrir a origem de. 2 obter, receber. 3 Gram investigar ou dar a derivação ou origem das palavras, derivar-se. 4 originar-se, descender, proceder.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > derive

  • 14 derive

    1. verb
    1) (to come or develop from: The word `derives' is derived from an old French word.) derivar
    2) (to draw or take from (a source or origin): We derive comfort from his presence.) tirar, extrair
    - derivative 2. noun
    (a word, substance etc formed from another word, substance etc: `Reader' is a derivative of `read'.) derivado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > derive

  • 15 profit

    ['profit] 1. noun
    1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) lucro
    2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) proveito
    2. verb
    ((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) lucrar
    - profitably
    * * *
    [pr'ɔfit] n 1 lucro, ganho, rendimento. they made a profit on it / obtiveram lucro disto. 2 proveito, vantagem, benefício, bem. it’s for your own profit / é para seu próprio bem. • vt+vi 1 aproveitar, tirar proveito de. he profited by an opportunity / ele se aproveitou de uma oportunidade. 2 lucrar, ganhar. 3 beneficiar, favorecer. my teachings profited him / meus ensinamentos lhe foram proveitosos. 4 ser vantajoso ou lucrativo. at a profit of com um lucro de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > profit

  • 16 profit

    ['profit] 1. noun
    1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) lucro
    2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) proveito
    2. verb
    ((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) lucrar, tirar proveito
    - profitably

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > profit

  • 17 stem

    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) caule, haste
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) pé, haste, tubo
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) proa
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) provir
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).) estancar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stem

  • 18 distinguish

    1) ((often with from) to mark as different: What distinguishes this café from all the others?) distinguir
    2) (to identify or make out: He could just distinguish the figure of a man running away.) enxergar
    3) ((sometimes with between) to recognize a difference: I can't distinguish (between) the two types - they both look the same to me.) distinguir
    4) (to make (oneself) noticed through one's achievements: He distinguished himself at school by winning a prize in every subject.) distinguir-se
    - distinguished
    * * *
    [dist'iŋgwiʃ] vt+vi 1 distinguir. 2 diferençar, separar. 3 discriminar, caracterizar. 4 mostrar diferença, discernir. 5 mostrar preferência por, consideração especial a. 6 honrar, fazer estimação. 7 perceber pelos sentidos, ouvir, reconhecer, avistar. 8 salientar-se, evidenciar-se, diferençar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > distinguish

  • 19 hire

    1. verb
    1) ((often with from) to get the use of by paying money: He's hiring a car (from us) for the week.) alugar
    2) ((often with out) to give (someone) the use of in exchange for money: Will you hire me your boat for the week-end?; Does this firm hire out cars?) alugar
    3) ((especially American) to employ (a workman etc): They have hired a team of labourers to dig the road.) contratar
    2. noun
    ((money paid for) hiring: Is this hall for hire?; How much is the hire of the hall?; We don't own this crane - it's on hire.) aluguel
    - hire-purchase
    * * *
    [haiə] n aluguel, salário, pagamento, arrendamento. • vt+vi alugar, arrendar, engajar, empregar. on hire a) para alugar. b) empregado. the right to hire and fire o direito de contratar e despedir. to hire out alugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hire

  • 20 differ

    past tense, past participle - differed; verb
    1) ((often with from) to be not like or alike: Our views differ; Her house differs from mine.) ser diferente
    2) (to disagree (with): I think we will have to agree to differ.) discordar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > differ

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